An Initiative of Government of Bihar for Poverty Alleviation

Bihar Rural Livelihoods Promotion Society
State Rural Livelihoods Mission, Bihar

Learning Objective

At further higher level broad contents of learning for the community institutions will follow the themes outlined below:




Targeted Group


Group management

Importance of regular meetings 
Leadership issue 
Conflict mitigation 
Cohesiveness in group and its importance 
Need and importance of making norms

SHG members

Financial management

Importance of group savings 
Making of group lending norms 
Importance of bookkeeping 
Introduction to different forms of fund available 
Community investment fund 
Bank linkage and other FIs 
Importance of regular and timely repayment schedule 
Rotation of fund available

SHG members

Micro credit plan

Why Micro Credit Plan 
Importance of MCP 
SHG profile 
SHG member wise profile 
SHG member income & exp. 
Micro Credit Plan 
MCP 1st phase loanee members (prioritization plan) 
MCP 2nd phase rotation method

SHG members

Village organization

Need of VO formation 
Objectives of VO 
VO constitution process 
VO role & responsibilities 
VO and beyond

SHG members



Bookkeeping & bookkeeper role 
Need and importance of bookkeeping & bookkeeper role

SHG bookkeepers/ CMs, SHG leaders

Micro Credit Plan

Importance of MCP 
SHG profile 
SHG member wise profile 
SHG member income & exp. 
Micro Credit Plan 
MCP 1st phase (prioritization plan) 
MCP 2nd phase rotation method

SHG members @ 3 members/ SHG

Village organization

Need of VO formation 
Objectives of VO 
Management norms 
VO meeting process 
Its role & responsibilities and activities

VO executive committee members


SHG concept & management

Why SHG 
Life cycle of SHG 
Introduction to panch-sutra 
Norms in group formation 
Importance of regular meetings 
Leadership issue 
Conflict resolution 
Cohesiveness in group and its importance

Community Mobilisers


Bookkeeping & bookkeeper role 
Need and importance of bookkeeping & bookkeeper role

Community Mobilisers

VO concept & management

Need of VO formation 
Objectives of VO 
Management norms 
VO meeting process 
Its role & responsibilities 
Activities of VO

Community Mobilisers

Micro Credit Plan & Appraisal system

Importance of MCP 
Is there any need of MCP 
Different forms of MCP- general and food security 
SHG profile 
SHG member wise profile 
SHG member income & exp. 
Micro Credit Plan 
MCP 1st phase loanee members (priortisation plan) 
MCP 2nd phase rotation method 
Importance of appraisal 
Criteria of appraisal of MCP

VO office bearers